Current students: Advising Appointments

ILS offers the individualized advising necessary to take full advantage of academic, research, and service opportunities available on the UMD campus and in the metro-DC area. ILS students are encouraged to reflect on how their current experiences are shaping their future academic, professional, and personal goals while practicing self-care. 

how to schedule an appointment

Schedule at least 48 hours in advance to give the Advisor time to prepare for you. Based on your class standing, please click on the Advisor below to select an available time slot that best fits your schedule. Briefly describe the topic of your appointment in the calendar request. Most appointments are conducted in LaPlata Hall, though Zoom options are also available. Please note the physical or virtual location of your meeting when you schedule it.

*Book your appointments at least 48 hours in advance so we have time to prepare for you.*

ILS students at an ice cream social.

First-Year Advising

Every first-year student is required to meet individually with the ILS Assistant Director, Jalah Townsend, in their first semester to discuss academic and experiential goals for the upcoming semester and for the future. These advising conversations are crucial for getting to know our community, and focus on each student’s unique personal narrative and aspirations for a career in the life sciences including research, dentistry, medicine, veterinary science, academia, public policy, etc.

Sophomore Advising

ILS includes a significant research component (240 hours with one lab), and students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with Associate Director Dr. Sabrina Kramer to discuss possibilities. No previous research experience? Not a problem! Dr. Kramer is an amazing resource to examine on- and off-campus opportunities, determine what internships would be a good fit based on major and career goals, as well as what to expect from a lab environment and working with a PI. As the instructor for the sophomore Cell Biology course, she is also the Advisor for any course-related questions. Her office hours are shared in class each year, and she is also available for additional appointments by clicking her name below.

ILS students can schedule an appointment with any ILS staff member to review their progress in the program, discuss changes to their studies and goals, or talk about whatever is on the student's mind.  Please come see us, especially if you are running into difficulty. We have all kinds of tools to help you!

junior and senior Advising

Director Dr. Najib El-Sayed, Associate Director Dr. Sabrina Kramer, and Assistant Director Jalah Townsend are happy to connect with you depending on your circumstances and questions to see who is the best fit for your needs. Please reach out if you aren’t sure who to meet with.

Advisor Title Specialty
Najib El-Sayed Director,
Integrated Life Sciences
Najib has expertise in science careers, research, and professional development. Please email him directly to set up an appointment.
Appointments available both online via Zoom and in person.
Jalah Townsend Assistant Director, Integrated Life Sciences All First-year Students: Individualized advising for coursework, academic support, and long-term goals. Jalah has additional expertise in crisis management and student leadership.
Appointments available both online via Zoom and in person.
Sabrina Kramer Associate Director, Integrated Life Sciences All Sophomore Students: Individualized advsing for research experiences, ePortfolios, and professional development. Sabrina has additional expertise in science education, higher education, and faculty development.
Appointments available both online via Zoom and in person.
Azure Zheng Advisor,
Integrated Life Sciences
First-Year Students: Individualized advsing for next semester and professional development. Azure has additional expertise in family counseling.
Appointments available both online via Zoom and in person.